Activate – A Model of Unity

Activate has a long-standing brand commitment to stay out of politics, regardless of what our individual personal beliefs are. We believe in everyone’s right to choose their political path, beliefs, and values.  If we differ, in the past we’ve remained silent out of respect for all sides in our community. (We use the same principles around religion and sexual orientation) 

Until now.

We believe now is the time to speak up.  To stand shoulder to shoulder with our ENTIRE community, united in our Determination to make everyone feel equal, always.   

Racism has no place in the world, and we need to come together to end injustice.

Right now, more than anything else, we need to listen and educate ourselves so we can ALL help make things better.  

Activate’s vision is “To Build a Community of Fitness.” One that connects physical, mental and social health of families. One that a fosters a lifelong love of fitness, health, wellness and longevity.


Since 2017, all members are required to sign a Code of Conduct when they begin aN Activate membership stating they understand and agree to our standards and commitment to equality of all genders, all races and all abilities. Those that do not share this belief through moral turpitude are not welcome in our home. We stand strongly committed to this and will take necessary action to protect it.

Inside our walls, we high five or fist bump everyone, and often.  No one is immune to a good sweaty high five, or currently a socially distanced air high five!

Our community will always be founded on training hard, having fun, and belonging to a family of warm and open minded individuals. 

We cannot do enough by simply stating a position or posting one social media post, we all have a part to play, every single day of our lives, this podcast is an excellent start on understanding the history of oppression and subjugation, the concept of race and a beginning to understand the system we are all born into:

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