Competition prep – 1 week out

Get It Right Between the Ears

You’ve done the training, fueled your body appropriately, and done everything you can to optimise your recovery leading up to your competition. That checks off all the boxes –

except for one: Mindset.

Your body might be primed, but in order to perform your best at anything, you need to get right between the ears.

So how can you prepare your mind for a big physical test?

First off, separate the hard work that went into getting in shape for the big event from the results. The effort that went into your training doesn’t simply boil down to how you stack up on a leaderboard.

For most of us, our performance during an amateur event (Like the CrossFit Open, Quest Race or Marathon) is not something our livelihoods depend on. These are great tests to push us out of our comfort zone, but the results shouldn’t matter as much as the work that we put in during our training.

Go into the competition/event knowing that you either did the work to prepare. Trust the hours you put in and don’t put unnecessary pressure on yourself—that could actually be detrimental to your performance.

Finally, you should also prepare to go into uncharted territory. We train to push ourselves out of our comfort zone, but one of the reasons we test ourselves in a more competitive setting is so we can push beyond the level we’re able to reach in training.

It will get uncomfortable and that’s OK. That’s the point. There are powerful lessons we can take away from pushing that hard from time to time. Embrace the competitive setting and prepare your mind to wade into waters you’ve never quite experienced before.

One Thing To Try This Week

Visualise. You don’t even need to wait for the workout to be released or the course to unfold in order to do this.

Close your eyes and imagine how you want to feel right before the clock ticks over to zero at the start line or  beeps to mark the start of your workout.

How does your body feel? Thoroughly warmed up, muscles and joints loose.

What are you wearing? Your favourite outfit, the shoes you have broken in and fit just right?

How do you feel once it starts? You’re calm, remembering to breathe. You have a strategy that you like and a plan B just in case.

How do you feel once it is over? You’re exhausted, sweaty, and out of breath, but you’re amped up on dopamine and feeling accomplished.

Visualisation might seem silly, but there is countless research to back it, it can seem pointless especially if you haven’t done it in the past, but give it a try — it could go a long way in helping make your performance in this event your best yet.

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